Kulture SAD-a i Velike Britanije

Kulture SAD-a i Velike Britanije
Organizacijska jedinica
Odsjek za anglistiku
ECTS bodovi
Semestri izvođenja
Jezik izvođenja

This course deals with customs, institutions and values of the UK and the USA. Two readers will enable students to get to know various aspects of these two societies, such as politics, multiculturalism, education and art. Students will prepare their own presentations of various topics concerning UK and US cultures and present them in the seminar.
  1. UK: The British context
  2. UK: The people
  3. UK: Politics and government
  4. UK: International relations
  5. UK: The legal system
  6. UK: The economy
  7. UK: Media
  8. UK: Education
  9. USA: The people: settlement and immigration
  10. USA: The people: women and minorities
  11. USA: Political institutions: the federal government / state and local government
  12. USA: Economy
  13. USA: Foreign policy
  14. USA: The legal system
  15. USA: Education & the Media

Ishodi učenja
  1. obavljati stručne poslove koji zahtijevaju znanje i vještine vezane razumijevanje specifičnosti engleskoga jezika i kulture Velike Britanije i SAD-a
  2. usmeno prezentirati rezultate provedenog istraživanja
  3. integrirati spoznaje o kulturama SAD-a i Velike Britanije i moći ih prezentirati
  4. klasificirati obilježja pravnih sustava SAD-a i Velike Britanije
  5. osvrnuti se na suvremena zbivanja u poličkome životu SAD-a i Velike Britanije
  6. izdvojiti povijesne događaje iz povijesti SAD-a i Velike Britanije i objasniti njihov značaj za sveukupni povijesni razvoj tih dviju zemalja
  7. komentirati i kritički prezentiati položaj SAD-a i Velike Britanije u međunarodnim odnosima
  8. prezentirati povijesni razvoj engleskoga jezika i njegov položaj u svijetu danas
  9. usporediti obrazovne sustave SAD-a i Velike Britanije
  10. kritički prosuđivati gospodarske sustave SAD-a i Velike Britanije
Metode podučavanja
The course is a combination of a lecture and a seminar. Students must attend the classes regularly (have no more than three absences during the semester). They must prepare for classes and write assignments as instructed. The instructor and students will also communicate through Omega and e-mail.
Metode ocjenjivanja
Kolokvij 1 i 2 ili ispit.

Obavezna literatura
  1. Mauk, David and Oakland, John. 2009 (Fifth edition). American Civilization: An Introduction. Routlege. London and New York.
  2. Oakland, John. 2011. (Seventh edition). British Civilization: An Introduction.. Routledge. London and New York.
Dopunska literatura
  1. Giles, Mick, ed. 1993. Modern American Culture: An Introduction. London and New York. Longman.
  2. An Outline of American Government. 1989. Washington DC. US Information Agency.
  3. Luedtke, Luther S. ed. Making America. 1987. The Society and Culture of the United States. Washington. US Information Agency.
  4. Campbell, Neil and Kean, Alasdair. 1997. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London and New York. Routledge.

Obavezan predmet na studijima
  1. Anglistika, sveučilišni preddiplomski dvopredmetni studij, 5. semestar