dr.sc. Jelena Šesnić, izv. prof.

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pon, 12:30-13:30; čet, 11-12

Curriculum Vitae Jelena Šesnić Jukićeva 32 HR-10 000 Zagreb Croatia Phone: +385-1-4092060 Fax: +385-1-6120234 E-mail: jsesnic@ffzg.hr Education PhD University of Zagreb, 2005 Philology MA University of Zagreb, 2001 Philology BA University of Zagreb, 1997 English, Comparative Literature Faculty Positions July 2012-present: Associate Professor, American Studies Program, English Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb October 2011-Oct. 2013: Head, English Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb 2006-2012: Assistant Professor; American Studies Program, English Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb 1998-2006: Teaching Assistant; English Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb Teaching Undergraduate and graduate level (BA and MA program): Introduction into the study of English literature; Aspects of American Romanticism; American women's writing in the nineteenth century; Post-Civil War literature until WW I; American Bildungsroman of the 19th and 20th c.; The nineteenth-century American novel; History and methodology of American studies; Contemporary US ethnic literatures; History and memory in contemporary American novel; Croatian-American ethnic literature Winter 2009/10: ERASMUS exchange lecturer at the American studies program, University of Graz (Austria); Course title: Contemporary US ethnic literatures May 13-15, 2013: CEEPUS exchange program: University of Novi Sad, Serbia Postgraduate level: American women’s writing and capitalist modernity; History and memory in contemporary American novel; Ethnic identities in an era of globalization Professional and Research Experience March 2014: library research grant, J-F-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien, FU Berlin (Germany) December 2012: reviewer, the MELUS Journal June 15-16, 2011: participant, Professionalization of PhD Supervision workshop, University of Zagreb June 9-12, 2011: participant, European Science Foundation Young Researchers Forum: Changing Publication Cultures in the Humanities, National University of Ireland, Maynooth (competitive grant) March 2011: reviewer, University of Zagreb Development fund June 15-22, 2008: participant, Futures of American Studies seminar, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA September 2007: library research grant at J-F-Kennedy-Institut, FU Berlin (Germany) September 1-4, 2005: participant, Salzburg Seminar American Studies Alumni Association: American Culture in the US and Abroad (Salzburg, Austria) October 2004: Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, Germany; research grant awarded by the European Association for American Studies August 2002 – May 2003: Fulbright junior research fellow at the University of Virginia, USA June-July 2001: participant, Fulbright Summer Institute at the University of Louisville, USA February 2001: J-F-Kennedy Institut, FU Berlin, library research grant Other -September 18-21, 2014: organizing committee; English Studies as Archive and as Prospecting, Conference Marking the 80th Anniversary of English Studies in Zagreb -May 24, 2014: co-organizer; CAAS Symposium: Cross-cultural Readings of the United States; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb -April 6, 2013: co-organizer; CAAS Symposium: Applying Teaching Innovations in the American Studies Curriculum; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb - Member, editorial board of Književna smotra (since 2003); Borderlands (e-journal of AASSEE, since 2012) -2010/11: Co-ordinator; CEEPUS Inter-American studies exchange network for Dept. of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb -June 2010-present: Secretary, co-founder; Croatian Association for American Studies -2002/4: Co-ordinator, American Studies Graduate (MA) Program at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb Memberships MESEA (The Society for Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas); EAAS (European Association for American Studies); CAAS (Croatian Association for American Studies); MLA; HFD (Croatian Philological Society) Publications Books: -Mračne žene. Prikazi ženstva u američkoj književnosti (1820.-1860.) Zagreb: Leykam International, 2010. (Dark Ladies: Figures of Femininity in American Literature, 1820-1860) -From Shadow to Presence: Representations of Ethnicity in Contemporary American Literature. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2007. - Editor. Siting America / Sighting Modernity: Essays in Honor of Sonja Bašić. Zagreb: FF Press, 2010. For full bibliography list see: http://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=236460 Presentations (international events) -September 18-21, 2014. English Studies as Archive and as Prospecting: Conference Marking the 80th Anniversary of English Studies in Zagreb, Zagreb. Presentation: The Croatian Diaspora as an Unfinished Transdisciplinary Project - May 24, 2014. 2nd Annual American Studies Worksop: Cross-cultural Readings of the United States, Zagreb. Presentation: Bogdan Raditsa and the New Croatian Emigration of the 1970s - September 19-21, 2013, Trieste. Biennial International Conference of the AISNA: Discourses of Emancipation and the Boundaries of Freedom. Presentation: Asian American Transnational Literature Writing US-American Cold War History. - September 5-7, 2013. Re-thinking Humanities and Social Sciences: On Violence. University of Zadar. Presentation: How a Slave Has Become a Man: Frederick Douglass's Lessons in Subjection and Self-Making - October 18-19, 2012. EAAS Florence Workshop: Negotiating Identity: Womanhood, Race, and Slavery in the Nineteenth Century. Title of presentation: The Narrative of Captivity and Harriet Jacobs' Slave Narrative: Transition from „the Population“ to (National) Subjecthood. - October 15-16, 2012. Current Approaches to English Studies. 35th Anniversary of English Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia. Title of presentation: Franz Kafka, Paul Auster and the End of the American Century. - August 22-25, 2012. Southeast European Regional American Studies Conference: „Applying Teaching Innovations in the American Studies Curriculum“, South East European University, Tetovo/ Ohrid, Macedonia. Title of presentation: Teaching HD Thoreau in Post-Exceptionalist American Studies. - December 1-4, 2011. ESF conference: First-person writing, four-way reading. Birkbeck College, University of London. Title of presentation: New Models of Identity Politics in Barack Obama's Memoirs Dreams from My Father. Chairing session at the conference: Fathers and Children. - September 1-4, 2011. Re-thinking Humanities and Social Sciences. 2nd International Conference. University of Zadar, Croatia. Conference topic: Zone and Zones: Radical Spatiality in Our Times.Title: „Being Stuck in America: Challenges to Liquid Modernity.“ - November 11-13, 2010. 8th International Biennial Conference of the Hungarian Association for American Studies (HAAS). „Images of America—Responses to a Changing Social, Cultural and Literary Landscape“. University of Debrecen, Hungary. Title: Dreams Deferred: The Concept of the US-Mexican Borderlands between the Global North and the South. - September 10-12, 2010. Re-thinking Humanities and Social Sciences. 1st International Conference. University of Zadar, Croatia. Conference topic: „The Issue of the (Post) Other: Postmodernism and the Other. Title of presentation: A New Family Principle: The American Family Goes Transnational. - May 21-23, 2010. 3rd International Conference in Canadian Studies: Migration, Globalization, Hybridity: Canadian and Croatian Experiences. Zagreb, Croatia. Title: Between Two Worlds: Croatian Canadian Literature as Ethnic or Diasporic? - October 9-10, 2009. Margaret Fuller's Conference, European Study Group of 19th-Century American Literature. University of Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Defense. Title: „Margaret Fuller: The Ambivalent Amazon“ - January 22-24, 2009. The Ninth Conference of the Hungarian Association for the Study of English (HUSSE), Pecs, Hungary. Title: „Some Aspects of Memory and History in Recent Native American Fiction“ - September 18-20, 2008. 2nd International Conference of the Slovene Association for the Studies of English. University of Maribor, Slovenia. Title: „Smart Moves: Internal and External Mobility in Malcolm X's and Barack Obama's Life-Writing“ - May 9-12, 2008: Biennial Conference of the European Association of American Studies, „'E pluribus unum' or 'E pluribus plura'?“, University of Oslo, Norway. Title: „Dangerous Rites of Passing: Staging Oneself in Multicultural America“ - July 21, 2007. UCD Clinton Institute for American Studies: “Transnational American Studies Symposium.” University College Dublin, Ireland. Title: “Regionalism, Localism and the Borderlands” - May 22-25, 2007. “Ex Uno Plures: American Studies in the Balkans.” 1st International Conference (Faculty of Philosophy Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Title: “At Home with Trans-America: American Studies at the Linguistic and Conceptual Borders” - November 16-19, 2006. Austrian Association for American Studies 2006 Conference. Native Americans and First Nations: A Transnational Challenge. University of Vienna, Austria. Title of presentation: „What Is Left of the Native between the Postmodern and Post-/Neo-colonial?“ - May 18-21, 2006. MESEA: Ethnic Life Writing and Histories. University of Pamplona, Spain. Title of presentation: „Croatian American Diasporic Literature“