Američki modernizam
Organizacijska jedinica
Odsjek za anglistiku
Preduvjeti za upis i polaganje kolegija

Kolegij stavlja naglasak na angažiran rad studenata u susretu s književnim i ostalim tekstovima američkog modernizma kako bi se studenti temeljito upoznali s književnopovijesnim i širim društvenim značajkama tog perioda te ovladali vještinama i metodologijom analize kulturne i književne proizvodnje. Važni ciljevi ovog kolegija su i vježbanje sposobnosti studenata za pismenu analizu književnih tekstova te za kritičko promišljanje društvenopovijesnog konteksta u kojem nastaju.
  1. Basic Periodization and Cultural References. Modernism as Socio-historical Rupture.
  2. Lecture: Three periods of Western history, three periods of modernity Seminar: Foundations of Modernism 1: Modernism as an Aspect of Modernity (Calinescu, Armstrong, Childs, Tew & Murray)
  3. Lecture: Modernism and the Problem of Representation: “On or about December 1910, human character changed.” Seminar: Foundations of Modernism 2: Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche, Einstein, Freud (Childs, Lewis, McFarlane, Marx&Engels*, Freud*)
  4. Lecture: Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism”: Transnational High Modernist Culture in the Historical Context of WWI Seminar: Order or Subversion? Modernism, History, Aesthetics. (Eysteinsson, Wilson)
  5. Lecture: From the Gilded Age to the Great War: The Political Economy of a Nascent Empire Seminar: Modernism in the United States and America as Modernity (Scandura&Thurston, Singal, Bradbury, Kaladjian; Bourne*, Whitman*, cummings*)
  6. Lecture: Opposition, Activism, Reform: The Progressive Era Seminar: Modernism and the Machine. (Charlie Chaplin: Modern Times*. Frank Lloyd Wright: The Art and Craft of the Machine*).
  7. Lecture: “The Roaring Twenties” Seminar: Modernism, Utopia, Myth: “Poetry of the Possible”. (Selected US modernist poetry* – H.D., William Carlos Williams, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Carl Sandburg, Marianne Moore).
  8. Lecture: Race (and Place): The South, the North Seminar: Modernism and Form. Roots, Renaissance, Language. (Zora Neale Hurston*, Langston Hughes*, Claude McKay*, Jean Toomer*).
  9. Lecture: 1929 Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression Seminar: Ernest Hemingway*: The Sun Also Rises 1 - The Lost Generation.
  10. Lecture: The Great Class Compromise: FDR and the New Deal. Seminar: Ernest Hemingway*: The Sun Also Rises 2 - The Politics of Style.

Ishodi učenja
  1. izdvojiti i analizirati relevantne obrasce književno-povijesnih razdoblja i individualnih književnih djela engleskoga govornog područja
  2. kritički prosuđivati o pojedinim književnim pojavnostima engleskoga govornog područja u odnosu na društveno-povijesni kontekst
  3. primijeniti naučenu književnokritičku aparaturu i temeljne spoznaje o književnostilskim formacijama u analizi i tumačenju književnih djela
  4. usporediti i komentirati kulturne, društvene i povijesne procese u zemljama engleskoga govornog područja
Metode podučavanja
Predavanja, grupni rad, zajednička analiza tekstova u seminaru, priprema pismenog rada u dogovoru s profesorom.
Metode ocjenjivanja
Kontinuirana evaluacija. Pismeni rad.

Obavezna literatura
  1. F.S. Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby, “The Crack-Up” Sherwood Anderson: 3 short stories from Winesburg, Ohio Ernest Hemingway: 5 short stories from In Our Time , The Sun Also Rises William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury (selections) Richard Wright: Native Son, “The Blueprint for Negro Writing” John Dos Passos: selections from USA Trilogy John Steinbeck: In Dubious Battle (selection)
  2. Baym, Nina et al, eds. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. 4th ed. New York, London: WW Norton, 1994. (selection) Bradbury, Malcolm and James McFarlane, eds. Modernism. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1976. Elliott, Emory, gen. ed. Columbia Literary History of the United States. New York: Columbia UP, 1988. (selection) McQuade, Donald et al., eds. The Harper American Literature. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers, 1994. (selection)
Dopunska literatura

Izborni predmet na studijima
  1. Anglistika, sveučilišni prijediplomski dvopredmetni studij, 4., 6. semestar