Povijest engleskog jezika
Organizacijska jedinica
Odsjek za anglistiku

Stjecanje uvida u razvoj engleskog jezika i njegove osobine u odnosu na društvo i njegov razvoj. Opće obrazovni predmet za angliste.
  1. Introduction, Syllabus, Aims, Grading. Expectations. Why study history of languages. Why study the history of English? Perspectives: multiple languages, single language. Internal and external history of languages. Types of changes that can be studied with examples: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation. Factors that influence language change.
  2. External history: reading from McIntire. the OE period, the ME period
  3. OE: examples of OE texts: deciphering, understanding, translating. Grammatical characteristics of OE texts. Comparison with PDE.
  4. Case studies: reading OE texts, and focusing on a selected aspect based on research papers. Possible topics: OE literature and its role/importance; Everyday life in the period; Uses of tense/aspect; OE lexicon, OE pronunciation and the way it can be studied, etc.
  5. (Presenting) case studies.
  6. Presenting case studies. Intermezzo: comparing different languages, language families, reconstruction.
  7. Intermezzo: OE vs other Germanic languages; reconstructions and extensions. ME: external history (revision). Comparing ME and OE texts: basic similarities and differences
  8. Reading ME texts: understanding, deciphering, translating. Using ME dictionaries. Basic descriptions of ME vocabulary, syntax, pronunciation.
  9. Case studies: ME. Grammar, metaphor, life, vocabulary change, grammaticalization. Using ME corpora and dictionaries.
  10. Presenting case studies.
  11. OE and ME literature and its importance for culture/literature. Revision of external history: Early Modern English. Caxton and printing. Emergence of Standard English
  12. Early Modern English: Shakespeare. Standardization: dictionaries, grammars. Prescriptivism. Late Modern English. Industrialization. Englishes, colonialism, pidgins.
  13. Variation in constructions, tense use, vocabulary in the Modern English Period. Using COHA.
  14. COHA: case studies. Language change/variation today: the influence of new technologies and globalization. Written vs. spoken language. Affordances. Case studies in language change: new technologies.
  15. English as a Lingua Franca: a variety or variation in progress? The native speaker issue, the issue of native culture. The importance of power in establishing language and the language narrative. Revision

Ishodi učenja
  1. studenti će moći analizirati i preispitati raslojavanje engleskog jezika iz društveno-povijesne i funkcionalnostilske perspektive
  2. studenti će moći integrirati spoznaje iz različitih područja anglistike i vrednovati mjesto i ulogu jezika u širem književno-kulturološkom kontekstu
  3. studenti će moći kritički prosuđivati ulogu specifičnog anglofonog društvenog konteksta u promjenama u engleskom jeziku
  4. studenti će moći prepoznati ulogu društvenih čimbenika koji potiču dijakronijske promjene u jeziku uopće
Metode podučavanja
4 sata predavanja
Metode ocjenjivanja
Studentske obveze i elementi vrednovanja:
Studenti trebaju redovito pohađati nastavu i aktivno sudjelovati u nastavi. Svaki student u tijeku semestra dužan je u grupi u dogovorenom terminu prezentirati dva istraživanja na relevantnu temu.
70 % ispit
30 % seminarski rad

Obavezna literatura
  1. McIntyre, Dan. 2009. History of English. A resource book for students. Routledge: London
  2. Baugh, Albert C. and Cable, Thomas. 2002. A History of the English Language. Fifth Edition. Routledge. London.
Dopunska literatura
  1. Freeborn, Dennis. 1998. From Old English to Standard English. Second Edition. Palgrave: Handmills
  2. The Cambridge History of the English Language. Volumes I – III. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge

Obavezan predmet na studijima
Stari studiji
  1. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
Izborni predmet na studijima
Stari studiji
  1. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  2. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  3. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij