Selected Topics in Jewish Modern and Contemporary History: History of Israel
Organizacijska jedinica
Katedra za židovske studije i istraživanje Holokausta

The aim of this course is to acquaint the student with history of the Land of Israel from the late Ottoman period through the British mandate and the State of Israel, with the Arab-Israeli conflict and political, social and cultural history of the modern State of Israel.

This course equips students with knowledge and skills to approach the study of the history of Israel, its idea, foundations and the modern State of Israel, and explains the role of religion and politics in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
  1. Week 1-4: Introduction and short historical overview Introduction to the course. Course description, overview of bibliography and introduction to methodology
  2. Overview of the History of Israel • The New Jew and the return to the old-new homeland • Old and New Yishuv • The question of land: Late Ottoman Period and the Mandate Palestine
  3. Overview of the History of Israel • Formative years of the State of Israel • The Sabra • Kibbutz movement • Political, social and geographical outline of Israel • From socialism to capitalism
  4. Overview of the History of Israel – European Jews in the Middle East • European Israel: music, architecture, literature • Bauhaus as a bridge between west and east • Central European city dwellers becoming agricultural workers • Zionism(s) and socialism
  5. Week 5–9: Religion and politics Judaism – religion and/or nationality? • Sources for the study of Judaism • Jewish religious and ideological streams and movements and contemporary Judaism • The question of land in Jewish religious thought and tradition; the question of land in Zionism • The birth of Religious Zionism and Religious Zionism in post Six-Day War
  6. Early Islamic texts and their relevance for contemporary Middle Eastern events: life and career of the prophet and warrior of Medina • Sources for the study of Islam • Ibn Ishak’s Sirat Rasul Allah: putting the Quran in its historical context • Importance of early Islamic texts for modern political processes in the Islamic Middle East • Conquest of territory as evidence of Allah’s favor
  7. Early Islamic texts and history, and their relevance for contemporary Middle Eastern events: Political, social and legal message of the Quran, Hadith and Sira • Relation of religion and politics according to the canonical Islamic texts • Revelation as law • Theology as political program • Canonical Islamic view of Jews and Christians • Political relevance of Theology and History in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
  8. Sunni-Shia division in the context of contemporary Arab-Israeli peace treaties • Concept of Caliphate; Rashidun Caliphs; People of the House (Ahl al-Bayt) • Life and death of Ali ibn Abu Talib, Hassan and Hussayn • Umayyad Caliphate • Concept of bidʻah (religious innovation)
  9. State of Israel as viewed by religious Jews, Christians and Muslims: soteriology and eschatology • Six-Day War and its influence on Jewish secular and religious community • Six-Day War and its influence on Middle Eastern Muslims • New paradigms of Zionism
  10. Week 10–13: Contemporary Israeli Society Israel as Jewish immigrant society • Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Mizrahim and others • Integration of families from different ethnic diasporic backgrounds and their struggles • Special session for the film screening will be scheduled
  11. The place of Religion in Israeli Society • Jews, Muslims, and Christians • Who is a religious Jew? • Religion and law in Israel
  12. Israeli education and culture • State education (Secular, Modern Orthodox, Haredi and Arab) and private education • Is there an Israeli culture and what is it? • What do we read?
  13. Film screening: Turn left at the end of the world, Israeli film • Integration of families from different ethnic diasporic backgrounds and their struggles • Discussion
  14. Guest lecturer on a selected topic on contemporary Israel
  15. Conclusion remarks

Ishodi učenja
  1. to explain the main ideas, concepts and themes of studying Jewish civilization: history, religion, tradition, philosophy, culture and identity
  2. to independently analyze and explain the complexities of Jewish societi(es) and cultures during different historical periods and modern Israel
  3. postaviti konkretan istraživački problem i planirati njegovo provođenje te analizirati rezultate istraživanja koristeći metodologije humanističkih znanosti i digitalne humanistike
  4. to use, formally and independently, one's own knowledge, work and competencies for independent work in the field of Judaic studies
  5. to be acquainted with the complexities of Jewish identities in pre-modern and modern Israel
  6. to be acquainted with the society and culture in the prestate Yishuv and modern State of Israel
  7. to be acquainted with the complexities of religious and political causes of Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East
  8. to explain the realities in the contemporary Middle East
Metode podučavanja
Lectures; Presentations; Classroom discussion; E-Learning (Omega, etc.).
Metode ocjenjivanja
Regular attendance at lectures, participation in discussions, presentation of essay topics, final essay.

Obavezna literatura
  1. The Bible (selected books/chapters)
  2. The Quran (selected pages)
  3. Ibn-Ishak (1955, 2004). The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq's "Sirat Rasul Allah" by A. Guillaume. Karachi: Oxford University Press (selected chapters)
  4. Al-Tabari (1987-1997). The History of al-Tabari (Ta’rikh al-rusul wa'l-muluk). New York: State University of New York Press
  5. Mendes Flohr, Paul and Jehuda Reinharz eds. (2010). The Jews in the Modern World. Oxford University Press (selected chapters)
  6. Ajami, Fouad (2014). In This Arab Time: The Pursuit of Deliverance. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press (pp. 93-114)
  7. Ajami, Fouad (1984). The Arab Predicament: Arab Political Thought and Practice since 1967. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (selected chapters)
  8. Eisenstadt, Shmuel N., Jewish Civilization. The Jewish Historical Experience in a Comparative Perspective, SUNY series in Israeli Studies, 1992 (selected chapters)
  9. Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition. (1986-2004). Leiden: E. J. Brill (selected entries)
  10. Goldwater, Raymond (2009). Pioneers of Religious Zionism: Rabbis Alkalai, Kalischer, Mohliver, Reines, Kook and Maimon Jerusalem: Urim Publications (Chapters on Rabbi Alkalai, Rabbi Kook, Rabbi Maimon)
  11. Gorenberg, Gershom (2006). The Accidental Empire: Israel and the Birth of the Settlements, 1967-1977. New York: Henry Holt and Company (Chapter 4, Settling In, pp. 99-128, Chapter 9, Mere Anarchy is Loosed, pp. 250-279)
  12. Havel, Boris (2013). Arapsko-izraelski sukob. Religija, politika i povijest Svete zemlje, Naklada Ljevak
  13. Helman, Anat, “East or West: Tel Aviv in the 1920s and 1930s” Studies in Contemporary Jewry 15 (1999)
  14. Helman, Anat, "European Jews in the Levant Heat: Climate and Culture in 1920s and 1930s Tel-Aviv," Journal of Israeli History 22 (2003), 71-90
  15. Khadduri, Majid (1962). War and Peace in the Law of Islam. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press (Pages 55-75, 133-137, 203-222)
  16. Laqueur, Walter Ze'ev. (2003). History of Zionism: From the French Revolution to the Establishment of the State of Israel. New York: Schoken Books (selected chapters)
  17. Laqueur Walter Ze'ev & Barry Rubin eds. (2001). The Israel-Arab Reader, Penguin Books (selected chapters)
  18. Lewis, Bernard (1988). The Political Language of Islam. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press (selected chapters)
  19. Mann, Barbara E. (2005). A Place in History: Modernism, Tel Aviv, and the Creation of Jewish Urban Space. Stanford, Calif. Stanford University Press (selected chapters)
  20. Olson, Jess (2013). Nathan Birnbaum and Jewish Modernity: Architect of Zionism, Yiddishism, and Orthodoxy, Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture (selected chapters)
  21. al-Qaradawi, Yusuf (2004). State in Islam. Cairo: al-Falah Foundation (chapter Political Islam, pp. 121-140)
  22. Rozin, Orit, "Food, Identity, and Nation-Building in Israel's Formative Years," Israel Studies 21 (2006), 52-80
  23. Shavit, Jacob, and Naor, Chaya (2004). Staging and Stagers in Modern Jewish Palestine: The Creation of Festive Lore in a New Culture, 1882-1948. Detroit: Wayne State University Press (selected chapters)
  24. Spero, Shubert and Yitzchak Pessin, eds. (1989). Religious Zionism: After 40 Years of Statehood. Jerusalem: Mesilot & The World Zionist Organization (pp. 13-15; 40-58; 82-99)
  25. Stav, Arieh ed. (2001). Israel and a Palestinian State: Zero Sum Game? Shaarei Tikva: Ariel Center for Policy Research
  26. Stein, Kenneth W. (1987). The Land Question in Palestine, 1917-1939, The University of North Carolina Press (selected chapters)
  27. Stillman, Norman (1998). Jews of Arab Lands: A History and Source Book, The Jewish Publication Society
  28. Wallach, Yair, Rethinking the Yishuv: Late-Ottoman Palestine’s Jewish Communities Revisited, Joirnal of Modern Jewish Studies 16:2 (2017), 275–294
Dopunska literatura

Obavezan predmet na studijima
Stari studiji
  1. Judaistika, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij, 3. semestar
Izborni predmet na studijima
Stari studiji
  1. Komparativna književnost, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij, 1., 3. semestar
  2. Pedagogija, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij, 1., 3. semestar
  3. Psihologija, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij, 1., 3. semestar
  4. Informacijske znanosti, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  5. Talijanistika, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  6. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  7. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  8. Povijest, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  9. smjer Nastavnički, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij, 1., 3. semestar
  10. Arheologija, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  11. Sociologija, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  12. Filozofija, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  13. Indologija, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij, 1. semestar
  14. Komparativna književnost, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij, 1., 3. semestar
  15. Nederlandistika, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij, 1., 3. semestar
  16. Portugalski jezik i književnost, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij, 1., 3. semestar
  17. Romistika, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij, 1., 3. semestar
  18. Informacijske znanosti, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
  19. Južnoslavenski jezici i književnosti, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
  20. Talijanistika, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
  21. Lingvistika, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
  22. Germanistika, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
  23. Poljski jezik i književnost, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
  24. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
  25. Češki jezik i književnost, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
  26. Povijest, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
  27. Filozofija, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
  28. Rumunjski jezik i književnost, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
  29. Sociologija, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
Novi i reformirani studiji
  1. Digitalna lingvistika, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij, 1., 3. semestar
  2. Romistika, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij, 1., 3. semestar
Fakultetska ponuda
  • Diplomski studij: Zimski semestar