Pisanje znanstvenih tekstova 2
Organizacijska jedinica
Odsjek za anglistiku
Lektorske vježbe
Preduvjeti za upis i polaganje kolegija
Za upis kolegija se moraju

This course, which is mandatory for graduate students in the English linguistics track, will culminate in the writing of a ten-page term paper that strictly follows Chicago Author-Date style. The subject can be on a language-related topic or, with the instructor's permission, on a topic that the student is particularly interested in researching. During the semester, each student will give two presentations -- one in the initial stages of the paper, and another final presentation. Classmates will be required to actively participate with questions or suggestions. During the course of the semester, students will have linguistics-related assignments aimed at giving them experience in describing language at different levels, requiring them to use phonetic transcription as well as interlinear glossing using the Leipzig glossing rules.
  1. Introduction - writing about linguistics
  2. Areas of Study and Project Ideas
  3. Areas of Study and Project Ideas
  4. Techniques for Collecting Data
  5. Techniques for Collecting Data
  6. Tools for Data Analysis
  7. Plagiarism and How to Avoid It
  8. Referencing systems
  9. The Publishing Process
  10. Teacher-student conferences
  11. Teacher-student conferences
  12. Student presentations of research papers
  13. Student presentations of research papers
  14. Student presentations of research papers
  15. Student presentations of research papers

Ishodi učenja
  1. Studenti će moći izmisliti i provesti malo lingvističko istraživanje.
  2. Studenti će moći pismenim standardnim jezikom opisati jezike koje poznaju.
  3. Studenti će moći oblikovati znanstveni rad po konvencijama MLA ili Chicago
  4. Give presentations on the student's own work before a group of peers who actively respond.
Metode podučavanja
Kolegij je seminarskog tipa; nastava će se izvoditi interaktivno. Studenti će često raditi u manjim grupama i međusobno komentirati i analizirati radove i dobivati povratne informacije od svojih kolega. Nastavnik potiče raspravu i moderator je tih rasprava. Očekuje se redovito polaženje, nastave i aktivno sudjelovanja studenata na nastavi. Studenti će se redovito pripremati za nastavu, pisati zadane radove i pripremati usmene prezentacije. O radovima i prezentacijama diskutirat će se na satu.
Metode ocjenjivanja
Elementi za ocjenu bit će: aktivno sudjelovanje na kolegiju, pisani radovi, završni pisani rad, usmene prezentacije.

Obavezna literatura
  1. Turabian, Kate L. 2016. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 9. edn. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  2. International Phonetic Association, The. 2009. Handbook of the International Phonetic Association: a guide to the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Leipzig Glossing Rules. 2015. Department of Linguistics of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Bernard Comrie, Martin Haspelmath) and by the Department of Linguistics of the University of Leipzig (Balthasar Bickel).
Dopunska literatura
  1. University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff, The. 2017. The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  2. Wray, A. and Bloomer, A. 2006. Projects in Linguistics: A Practical Guide to Researching Language.

Obavezan predmet na studijima
  1. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  2. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij