Art and Architecture in Safavid, Mughal, and Ottoman Empires in the Early Modern Period
Organizacijska jedinica
Katedra za turkologiju

This course aims to contextualize and historicize Islamic art and architecture and offer an alternative to Eurocentric narratives of art and history; highlight intersections and nuances within Islamic art and architecture in the early modern period; and introduce concepts about things and sites that will more generally inform the students’ thinking about culture, historical geography, and environment.
  1. Introduction: Definition of Islamic art and architecture, introduction of basic concepts, framework and periodization, foundations and recent developments in the field, and introduction of the historical geography
  2. Context and introduction to Early Modern Empires and their neighbors: “City states” and the emergence of Turko-Persian Empires between 1050 and 1250; interconnectedness across the Eastern Mediterranean, the role of Crusader activity and trade
  3. Architecture and court in the fourteenth century: The role of courtly culture and architecture in the emergence of global empires, Mamluks and Mongols, within the world systemArchitecture and court in the fourteenth century: The role of courtly culture and architecture in the emergence of global empires, Mamluks and Mongols, within the world system
  4. Ilkhanid and Timurid arts and their Turco-Mongol and Chinese elements: Sinicizing materials, techniques, and styles in Mongol Ilkhanids idiom and their westward spread
  5. Persianate miniature painting and illumination in Iran and Central Asia: The role of artists, workshops, techniques, and patronage in creating a varied but shared vocabulary of arts of the book
  6. Architectural foundations in Early Ottoman context: Patronage, audience, and symbolism in the context of a frontier between Byzantium and the Anatolian Seljuk state
  7. The Tughluqs in Delhi and Deccani Sultanates in the context of spreading Persianate mode: The earlier examples of Islamic art and architecture and their inter-regional connections in India
  8. Mid-term examination
  9. Uzbeks and Mughals: The shared Timurid legacy and different expressions of monumentality in architecture and landscape design in Central Asia and India under Uzbek and Mughal patronage
  10. Istanbul, Isfahan, and Delhi: Urban design and imperial representations of three centers, and comparisons between courtly ceremonials and urban life in three different contexts
  11. Painting and cosmopolitanism: The changing styles and themes of painting and emerging networks of increasingly urban patrons
  12. Objects of consumption and textiles: Production and trade of consumption goods and Mediterranean connections
  13. Safavid Arts in a transcultural context: The role of diplomacy in cultural exchange and artistic production
  14. From Empire and colony to Modernity (1): Late Mughal India and post Safavid Iran
  15. From Empire and colony to Modernity (2): Transformation of public space, revivalisms, connoisseurship, museum and collecting practices

Ishodi učenja
  1. ability to recognize and interpret works of Safavid, Mughal, and Ottoman art and architecture
  2. ability to recognize and interpret early modern Islamic cities and relate them to architecture and urban life
  3. expansion of understanding of art and architectural history with global connections and multiple centers
  4. ability to better evaluate and appreciate contemporary cultural forms in Iran, India, and the Mediterranean world
Metode podučavanja
The lessons will be lectures presented with the aid of electronic visual material. Required readings for each week will be specified at the beginning of the semester. Students are encouraged to participate, read the weekly assignments, and prepare questions and discussion points prior to each class. Each student is required to deliver one presentation (5-10 minutes) of their reflections an additional reading of their choosing.
Metode ocjenjivanja
The final grade is based on attendance and class participation (15%), short presentations (15%), midterm examination (30%) and final examination (40%).

Obavezna literatura
  1. Necipoğlu, G. and Flood, F. B. (eds.), (2017). A Companion to Islamic Art and Architecture. Wiley, Blackwell, Volume 2.
  2. Hillenbrand, R. (1994). Islamic Architecture: Form, Function and Meaning. Edinburgh University Press.
Dopunska literatura

Izborni predmet na studijima
  1. Povijest, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij
Fakultetska ponuda
  • Prijediplomski studij: Ljetni semestar
  • Diplomski studij: Ljetni semestar