Organizacijska jedinica
Odsjek za anglistiku

Cilj je ovog kolegija uvesti studente u područje psiholingvistike te im pružiti uvid u osnovne pojmove i predmet istraživanja: usvajanje, percepciju i razumijevanje jezika, memoriju, obradu i dohvat jezičnih podataka, jezične poteškoće te međuodnos jezika, misli i kulture.
  1. General information about the course. Introduction to the key concepts of psycholinguistics. Language and communication: is language specific to humans?
  2. Animal communication and human communication. Feral children and the critical age issue.
  3. The cognitive basis of language: how children acquire language. The nature vs. nurture debate: behaviorism or an innate capacity for acquisition? Exercises.
  4. Early semantic and syntactic development. Bilingualism and second language learning.
  5. The biological basis of language: language and the brain. General brain structure and function. Language areas and their function. Localization and lateralization. Exercises.
  6. Language disorders: aphasias and dyslexias. Other language-related disorders. Sign language. Exercises.
  8. The structure of sentences. Word meaning. Comprehension. Exercises.
  9. The structure and content of the "mental lexicon": how humans learn and store words, how they find the right word, and understand the words of others. Lexical retrieval. Exercises.
  10. Language and memory: long-term memory and short-term (working) memory. Long-term memory and the schema theory. Meaning representations. Inference. Exercises.
  11. Language processing: bottom-up and top-down processing; serial and parallel processing. Perceptual and conceptual information. The role of context. Exercises.
  12. Productive language skills: writing and speaking. Writing systems. The stages of writing. Errors in writing. Characteristics of speech and stages in the speaking process. Syntactic planning. Lexicalization. Speech errors. Exercises.
  13. Receptive language skills: reading and listening. The whole-word approach vs. the decoding approach. Eye movement. Skilled and unskilled reading. Problems in the listening process. Categorical perception. Exercises.
  14. The social basis of language: the relationship between language, thought, and culture. Is language necessary for thought, does it influence culture and does it affect our perception of society and the world?

Ishodi učenja
  1. opisati i usporediti osnovne pristupe i metode u procesu psiholingvističkih istraživanja
  2. objasniti temeljne pretpostavke svakog od osnovnih područja koja su predmet psiholingvističkog proučavanja
  3. protumačiti biološke, kognitivne i društvene čimbenike koji imaju utjecaj na odnos jezika i uma
  4. samostalno odabrati relevantnu literaturu i provesti psiholingvističko istraživanje manjeg obima
Metode podučavanja
Gradivo se predaje u cjelinama koje obrađuju ključne teme s područja psiholingvistike. Nakon većine cjelina studenti rješavaju vježbe koje provjeravaju s nastavnikom na satu. Od studenata se očekuje da pročitaju relevantna poglavlja i dijelove iz obavezne literature te im se savjetuje da pročitaju određene dijelove iz dodatne literature, što im pomaže u stjecanju znanja o području koje se obrađuje. Tijekom rada na kolegiju studenti također gledaju dokumentarne filmove i video-isječke o određenim temama koje se obrađuju, a potiču se i da sami provedu malo istraživanje na zadanu temu. Dodatni materijali, handouti za predavanja te linkovi na sadržaje na internetu dostupni su studentima putem sustava za učenje na daljinu Omega.
Metode ocjenjivanja
Studentima se preporučuje redovit dolazak na kolegij i aktivno sudjelovanje u nastavi. Sredinom semestra ponavlja se dotad obrađeno gradivo, a u zadnjem tjednu semestra ponavlja se cjelokupno gradivo te se studenti pripremaju za ispit. Na kraju semestra studenti polažu pismeni ispit te dobivaju brojčanu ocjenu.

Obavezna literatura
  1. Field, John (2003) Psycholinguistics, London and New York: Routledge
  2. Harley, Trevor (2001) The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory, Hove and New York: Psychology Press Ltd.
  3. Steinberg, Danny, Hiroshi Nagata and David Aline (2001, 2nd ed.) Psycholinguistics: Language, Mind and World, Harlow: Longman
Dopunska literatura
  1. Aitchison, Jean (1998, 4th ed.) The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics London and New York: Routledge
  2. Aitchison, Jean (2003) Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon, Oxford: Blackwell
  3. Anderson, Stephen and David Lightfoot (2002) The Language Organ: Linguistics as Cognitive Physiology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (selected chapters)
  4. Burling, Robbins (2005) The Talking Ape: How language evolved, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  5. Field, John (2005) Language and the Mind, London and New York: Routledge
  6. Pinker, Steven (2007) The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature, New York: Viking

Izborni predmet na studijima
Stari studiji
  1. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  2. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski jednopredmetni studij
  3. Anglistika, sveučilišni diplomski dvopredmetni studij